Second only to my love of good damsels in distress is my love of bad girls in service of the villain. I know Vanessa Doofen-whatever (of Phineas and Ferb) is not really evil, blah blah blah, but work with me here. Since I enjoy damsels in the clutches of evil villainesses (villainesses get away with more torture of the damsel before it gets icky or creepy) what better than a sexy evil female minion to torment a damsel I have captured?
Sexy female accomplices were a staple of the old campfest 60s Batman series: characters like Lydia Limpet or Pauline were the perfect accompaniment to the ridiculous arch villains they served.
There is even a discussion of the hottest Batman evil sidekicks. I even like the idea of an unwitting female accomplice turning on her villainous boss, only to be captured and placed in peril herself!
Nice guy, not looking, passionate about damsels in distress. Nosy detectives, superheroines, or just girls in the wrong place at the wrong time - if you like them tied up and in peril, or if you imagine yourself as one, you've come to the right place
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