(Not a terribly odd gag, but a thorough one. Darla Crane as Spellbinder...)
Here's a little list of odd gags I have used in perils. I’ll give the ones I can think of off the top of my head in a moment. First, I need to point out that I really have been giving attention to devious gags only in the last 2-3 years. For whatever reason, in the past I would often come up with unusual methods of binding a heroine, but would then just stuff a nice, cute little silk cleave gag in her mouth to shut her up, or else apply tape (ouch! But the peel off smarts!)
But lately I have diversified my gag portfolio in RPs and stories. As with materials used for restraints, I find that I just try to imagine myself using whatever materials are at hand as a gag. The scenario – the location, the peril, etc – has an influence on the gag.
The damsel also has a role. Mental images of a damsel often will steer me to particular gags. Or, if I know of a particular damsel weakness -- a favourite food, perhaps, or a penchant for a particular pampering – I take great delight in subverting that, and using that against her.
I started off diversifying with pretty standard things – if I had a girl hogtied in a scenario, I might serve her on a plate with an apple in her mouth for laughs. Heroines caught in large spider webs usually got their mouths stuffed with spider webs by large arachnids with a curious need to gag their victims. But then I started to branch out more. Here are a few odd gags used in perils that I can think of. No guarantees on realism here.
· I had a secret agent girl tied up in a car set to roll down a mountain road until she plunged over a cliff. I wrapped the car seat belt between her teeth and around her head before strapping her down in the seat (she had already been tied up before being placed in the car).
· An evil delivery man stuffed an unsuspecting damsel’s mouth with a bouquet of flowers
· A damsel about to be taken by conveyor belt into a giant paper shredder had her mouth stuffed with shredded paper before the tape went over her lips.
· A damsel turned into a tiny winged fairy, captured by other fairies and gagged with a single thick blade of grass. This was a part of a very atmospheric peril based on a Victorian era painting.
· A heroine captured by carpenters, who gag her with a wooden dowel rod fastened in place by black electrical tap in the shape of an X
· In a garage peril, the heroine finds herself gagged with a thin, supple inner tube
· I can’t recall why, but I do recall gagging a heroine by packing her mouth full of chocolate truffles.
· The heroine was to be eliminated by being tied in a crucifix pattern to the arms of a giant kite, then flown in a thunderstorm in a horrible recreation of Ben Franklin’s experiment. She was gagged with kite string. Lots and lots of kite string.
· The damsel had been kidnapped, but had to be taken out in the middle of Times Square and led to her demise under the tracks of the S subway line. So she was tied, her coat over her shoulders, and then gagged with clear tape so that in the evening, she could be held hostage in the middle of a huge Manhattan crowd, and no one would know she was being kidnapped.
· In the middle of farmland, the only gag available was a metal horse bit – used (ewwwww!)
· A block of ice was used once, that would melt too slowly for her to cry for help before she was destroyed.
· The damsel was on a movie set, tied up with film stock from a reel, also gagged with celluloid. The really fiendish part of this trap was that the heroine was slowly dragged by her mouth under a giant hinged film cropper – kind of a makeshift guillotine – until her neck was under the blade and the trap triggered
· Again, so long ago I can’t recall the details, but a superheroine story in which the heroine was subdued by special drugged nerf balls fired from those kiddie toys and bouncing off her spandex clad body, then when she awoke, she was of course tied with superheroine-proof cables, and her mouth stuffed with a nerf ball to keep her powers depleted until her diabolical demise.
· In a really sensuous (for me, certainly) finale of a story, strips of red velvet silenced our delectable heroine at a costume ball.
· In one of my more fantastical stories, the heroine had been taken prisoner by giant insects, and had been glued to a giant honeycomb with honey, and gagged with the same, as the queen bee’s larvae wiggled toward the damsel to slowly eat her. Ewwwww!
· Damsels should take care with their fashion accessories. I have used their berets (raspberry or otherwise), hats, scarves, belts, handbags, etc...
· Another superheroine found herself tied to a rock under giant rubber bands, and gagged with the same.
· A heroine captured in a bakery of sorts, her hands bound with molten sugar that hardened when set, and hardened spun sugar gagged her. She was dunked in cake batter and nearly turned into black forest torte
I am sure I am forgetting a lot of things. But this is a little sample of my devious and warped mind.
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