Friday, July 27, 2012


It has been pointed out to me (by a reader far more assiduous than I am a writer, apparently) that my last post attracted no comments, when it in fact garnered one. Sorry, Evil Tru -- I did not intend to snub you. The post was a repost from the old blog (where it in fact did not receive any comments)  -- and I just cut and paste with abandon. Really, between my lackadaisical attitude and my my time constraints, it's a miracle anything comes out intelligible at all.....
I do appreciate any and all comments! Thank you, Tru! And thank you, Miss Anonymous, for pointing it out!


  1. It's not that hard to offend a fellow Villain, but in your case, I make the exception (*LOL*).

    Trust me, I know *all* about infrequent posting, and reading of comments...

  2. Glad no offense was taken. We villains have to stick together!
