Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Bad RPs -- addendum

Thanks for the comments! They are much appreciated.

The quote of the day, apropos this topic, has to be from Martha Gellhorn (I paraphrase): "The only part of our travels remotely interesting to other people are the disasters."

- Evil TRU: I wish I could say I only had 3 awful RP experiences. These are the only three that are funny. Most of the others were just dreary.

- Vladi: The hypocrisy you point out is very funny!

- Athena: Someone who just does a bait and switch like that really doesn't need an RP partner. Just a mirror.

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh about your comment about describing the scenario, getting a lot of the particulars in place and then having them changed by the other player after all the agreements. After all, a big part of the thrill for me is the twists and turns the person running the Scenario is able to come up with.

    I find that people who have only ONE scenario, and everything has to be exactly that way are the worst at variations. I also dont' go for long negotiated stories--I'll lay out likes and dislikes, but nothing HAS to be in a story--as long as its entertaining. And I agree--I don't play with the people I describe more than once.
