(The photo has only the vaguest conection to the peril below, but, hey, I like it...)
I had been thinking of how best to tie a girl to a chair (we villains have to think of these things you know) and I was about to write about arms behind versus arms in front, and how the least preferable way to tie her for me was to tie each wrist to a separate arm of a chair. (Too loose, plus half the fun is watching a damsel twist her wrists prettily...) Well, instantly I thought of an exception to that preference, and that led to a write up of the following little vignette. Hope you enjoy it.
The first thing Callista became aware of was the pounding inside her head.
The secret agent girl had confronted her prey – the global criminal mastermind known only as “The Engineer” – after having tracked him down to his hidden lair deep in forgotten, abandoned air raid shelters directly under the busiest streets of the city. She had him cornered….and then the billowing white fog surrounded her. Knockout gas, she realized too late. Agent Callista tried to evade the soporific fumes, but her knees buckled almost instantly, her head started to swim, her gun dropped out of her hand, and….
…and the second thing Callista became aware of was that she was seated in a chair – and tied up in it. Her wrists, still covered by her long black silk gloves, were tightly tied with white nylon straps to the wide arms of the massive stainless steel chair, and her ankles, sheathed in sleek black leather knee boots, were bound snugly to each other and to a rod that connected the two front legs of the chair. She twisted in her bonds, testing them for weaknesses, her skin tight black catsuit squeaking slightly as she wriggled and flexed her lithe, trained muscles. But to no avail: the straps dug into her wrists, and pinned her ankles, and as she struggled Callista noticed yet more straps lashing her to the chair about her waist.
She was not yet able to truly focus her eyes; the knockout gas was wearing off slowly. She was in some large room; a basement, windowless. “Typical villain hideout,” Callista muttered, determined to escape. She pulled at her restraints some more, the effort forcing little gasps from her as she strained her muscles with greater effort but no more effectiveness.
“Ah, our guest has awoken!”
Callista snapped her head angrily toward the voice. A tall ashen faced man in a white lab smock was approaching her. Several hideously sharo and curved metal implements poked out from the breast pocket of his smock. Callista recoiled momentarily, then tugged ferociously at her bonds and addressed her captor angrily.
“You’d better let me go if you know what’s good for you!”
The villain smiled as he came up to her. “Oh, I think you should develop some manners very soon if you know what’s good for you!”
Callista twisted helplessly in the white nylon straps, trying to pull out one wrist, then the other, grinding her catsuit-clad hips into the chair as she tussled with her bonds. “You don’t scare me, Mr Engineer!” she vowed
The villain laughed with diabolical amusement. “You know my name? Well, just my nom de guerre, of course. You are no closer to discovering my secrets than any other fool in your pathetic little counter-espionage agency. I, on the other hand, know all about you, Agent Callista Barnes…” The fiend pulled out a PDA, punched a button, and began to read. “Echelon 1 secret agent, ooh, well done, top rank! Hmmm, martial arts trained, black belt aikido and judo, infiltration expert – oops, that didn’t work out so well today hah hah….various commendations, letters of thanks from world leaders, yadda yadda, oh, here’s an interesting thing: always works alone – tsk tsk, I guess no one will be coming to rescue our pretty little spy girl today!”
Callista fumed and tossed her long blond hair over her shoulder with a shrug in order to focus her blue eyes straight at the smug villain before her. “If you kept reading, Mr Engineer, you’ll see I have never needed rescue – 100% mission completion rate.”
“That’s Dr Engineer, PhD to you my fetching little captive.”
“That’s redundant, douchebag –“
“Not when you have 2 PhD’s, crumpet.”
.”—and your language is starting to really annoy me!” Callista spat out in fury.
“Don’t split your infinitives, cupcake – as long as we Strunk & Whiting it.”
“OK, I’ll just split various parts of your anatomy when I get free of – uhnnn! these restraints.”
The Engineer let out a low, menacing chuckle. “Oh, but you won’t get free my dear. Go ahead, struggle all you want, you can’t escape. At least, not in time. You see, I know all about your secret agent bag of tricks, the little tools you have – or rather, had hah hah hah….”
Callista looked down at her pinned wrists and fussed pointlessly in her bonds, growling in frustration.
The villain giggled and drank in the sight of his prisoner, her entire body wriggling in futile efforts to free herself, from her blond flowing hair, down her high-collared catsuit all the way to her sleek high heeled boots. “How deliciously sexy you are when you struggle, Callista, all tied up and in my clutches!”
Callista let out a savage “oooh” of frustrastion as the straps defeated her again. She glared at the Engineer. “Well, what are you going to do with me? Bore me to death?”
“Oh no. I have gone to great lengths to set up an intricate demise for you.” The villain flicked a light switch and the entire darkened area before the captive spy girl was suddenly illuminated. Callista gasped as she saw a huge model train set all laid out in front of her, complete with little model landscape, buildings, streams, trees and hills. The tracks were set up like a crazy spaghetti pattern, criss-crossing and switching with bewildering frequency. The whole set up covered several square yards, and filled up a significant proportion of what was revealed as a huge underground warehouse-sized bunker.
“Aren’t you a little old for toys, Doctor?” Callista said mockingly.
“Look a little closer, dearie.”
Callista did as she was told. Soon enough she understood what the Engineer was talking about. Near her, across the tracks, lay a little figurine of a girl in an incongruous black catsuit, just like the one Callista wore. The figurine, the real spy girl could tell, was tied to the tracks with what appeared to be pipecleaner.
“You have one weird hobby,” she said.
The Engineer was unfazed. “That little figuring represents, you, my dear. The figurine is made of metal, and is attached to wires that go all the way the the city’s electrical mains – more voltage than third rail of the city subway lines. Now, I will place two train engines on the track….”
The villain stepped over and placed one train on one side of the display, then placed the other one on the other side of the track array. He continued his explanation. “If either of these trains runs over the little damsel-in-distress figurine of you, the circuit will be completed, run right up the steel chair to which you are so exquisitely tied, and incinerate you to a cinder.”
“You….you fiend!” was all Callista could say, to the Engineer’s great amusement.
“Oh, now, I’ll give you a sporting chance. You see how many switches there are on this track? Confusing, isn’t it?” The Engineer pushed another wall button. Callista gasped as two panels slid back on the top of her steel chair arms right under the palms of her hands. Up from the interior of the wide chair arms came two groups of small red buttons, each arranged in rows within reach of the spy girl’s fingers, despite the nylon strips restraining her wrists.
“How do I know which button controls which switch?” Callista asked.
“Hah hah hah, that’s the great part – you don’t!” the villain roared with laughter. “But I tell you what – hee hee hee…” the Engineer tried to contain his glee, “if you manage to make the two engines ram each other and derail, the mechanism is so that the springs holding your nylon straps in place will release. You’ll be free, if your pretty little head can figure it out in time.”
“No…don’t you dare!” Callista growled as the Engineer threw another switch. The model train display’s lights flickered, then shone true as the engines started to move slowly.
“The trains will pick up speed the longer this game goes on, Callista my pet, hah hah hah…”
“You…you bastard! You’ll – uhnnn! – you’ll never get away with this!” Callista said angrily as she began more furious tugging on the straps.
“OK, I think I’ve heard enough out of you!” the Engineer walked back toward his captive and pulled a thick silk handkerchief out of his pocket.
“No! Please don’t ga—mmmmpphhhfff!” The secret agent girl’s plea was truncated as her captor pushed the silk wad into her mouth, then swiftly took out another long handkerchief, wedged it between her teeth, and pulled the cleave gag tight, knotting it in the back and making sure her long blond hair flowed freely over her constricting gag.
Callista looked nervously at the villain, her blue eyes open with silent pleading, her bravery all but eroded by the hopelessness of her predicament.
“I’d pay attention to the melodrama unfolding before you, pretty Callista,” the Engineer said. “I think your prefect mission completion record is going to suffer a little blemish….”
“Mmppphhfff!” Callista could only release a muffled cry, then turned anxiously to the toy train display below. The track set up was crazy, toy tracks went this way and that, from the far wall of the huge underground lair practically to her bound, booted feet.
Callista started pushing buttons to see what would happen, but if it was easy to figure out which button activated which switch, it was far more difficult to determine the effect of a switch in all that crazy, loopy track layout. Did a switch put a train on the path toward the bound figurine before her? Or did it take her out of harm’s way? It was almost impossible to tell until the trains had run a few circuits – but Callista couldn’t let that happen. And watching two trains made the task even harder!
“Farewell, Miss Barnes.” The Engineer drank in the sight of his beautiful, bound captive, turned, and walked away, shutting the door behind him. Callista was now alone, facing her own electrocution!
She cringed as one train rounded a bend and suddenly seemed on course to run over the miniature version of her! But no – that was an optical illusion given by the parallel tiny tracks at such a distance.
Callista moaned into her gag as she flezed her wrists and tested out the buttons. She could soon identify what each did but – what was the use? The trains were now picking up speed, and Callista writhed instinctively against her bonds – all to no avail!
As one of the trains rounded a corner to her right, Callista realized it would pass on the tracks closest to her feet in a few seconds. A desperate plan came to her. If she could just….kick the train off the track!
She would have just one chance at this. “Come on, Callie, come on…” she found herself thinking as the toy train approached. It was fifteen feet away, then ten…. The tied-up spy girl prepared herself as the train came closest to her. Five feet away….two feet – now!
Callista kicked with all her might, pushing her bound ankles to the limit the straps would allow, hoping the pointy toes of her boots would connect with the train as it passed by. But the straps were too tight! She missed, and the train continued on its way.
Now the other train seemed to be heading for the figurine damsel in distress. Callista had neglected it as she focussed on her useless effort to derail the other train. She mewed with terror and started to push the small red buttons on the arm rests frantically as the train seemed on a collision course with the miniature spy girl in the display!
Was this the end for our sexy spy girl? How could Callista ever escape?
Creative, inventive, ... and I don't care, the picture is fun, too!